This was really compelling to me, as a non-Iowan who is interested in politics across the U.S. Thank you so much for your hard work!

Two points of disagreement:

1) I know there are many in the LGBTQ+ community for whom their queer identity was not a choice. But that's not universal. And it denies the basic goodness of being LGBTQ+, as if we could help it, we'd rather be straight. Personally, I love my queer identity and do feel like there's an element of choice in it for me (and I've been lesbian since I was 18, and I'm 61 now). We SHOULD be able to love whomever we love, it SHOULD be a choice available to everyone. And given that sexuality and intimate connection falls along a spectrum throughout the natural world, I believe that in a world without homophobia, many others would choose to have same gender partnerships.

2) I work for a national non-profit (https://www.freepress.net/) that focuses on journalism, media and technology policies, including advocating with the FCC for policies and regulations that serve the public interest. I'm gathering for you our analysis on why although the Fairness Doctrine appears a commonsense solution to the rise of rightwing radio talk shows, it's not. I will have that ready for you next week. I'm happy to connect sooner if it's helpful.

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This current episode of NPRs "On the Media" covers much of what I learned about the Fairness Doctrine: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/episodes/talk-radio-lopsided-on-the-media It's complicated! I did talk with our Co-CEO, Jessica Gonzalez, who said the Fairness Doctrine will never get legs in this political climate and that it would also allow hate to be promoted.

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Are you saying Kim Reynolds was at that Mom's meeting & encouraging what kind of activity? Why were there no police there? It sounds like a mob scene and behavior that would be considered illegally threatening....

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Please define critical race theory - most people have no idea what it even is. What is it that the Universities are not supposed to be able to teach or talk about.

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Thanks for speaking out about these issues, many of which have parallels in other states (including Kansas where I live). If you figure out what the hell happened to Iowa maybe that will help us figure out What's the Matter with Kansas.

You're probably already familiar with this 6 episode series from On the Media, but just in case you aren't The Divided Dial focused on the rise of right wing AM radio: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/divided-dial.

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Great podcast. Consider not leading with stories likes Holt’s assertion about Ames. It is comparable to a political candidate repeating his opponents’ arguments, which then brings greater attention, if not reinforcement of the message. The Ames story is false. I ask my fellow residents to ask any faculty or staff in Ames—Holt also builds distrust in school systems, so that any disclaimer is not believed by too many.

James was a perfect story. People who preach hate believe they have religion on their side.

Thanks for giving voice to humanity.

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Great podcast! You asked for suggestions on people to talk to in Iowa? I would suggest Matt Walsh, mayor of Council Bluffs. Council Bluffs is unique in that we are just across the river from the large metropolitan area of Omaha NE. Mayor Walsh would be able to give you a perspective on how Iowa politics and Nebraska politics affect our city. Council Bluffs has a “mayoral leadership “ form of government.

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Thanks, Kathy!

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No problem

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So glad that you've created this forum. We recently moved back to Iowa after living in the Chicago area for 20 years. The title of your podcast is a phrase that I often repeat. Des Moines used to be a progressive bastion in a state that was becoming deeper red each year, but with the recent Republican trifecta and their wave of regressive and hateful legislation, even the capital city is looking more and more like Orange City. Funny how when they claim to be all about "liberty", it's really about stealing it from other Iowans.

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Mark, I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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Thanks Julie and Reka, Much to ponder with the inaugural WTHHI. $64 questions, why did Ann Lebo quit and why are care centers folding en masse? News this week about Trumpster frauder going to jail rekindled memories of Kent Sorenson. Readers Google the NYT feature on him, his Iowa view speaks volumes as to WTHHI.

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I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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Great first episode. We really need to promote this podcast in rural Iowa. I'm retired, but in my working life I spent a lot of time traveling around the state as a representative of ISEA. I always tried to stop in local diners for lunch because (1)the food was good and (2)it gave me a chance to eavesdrop on the local discussions. I also noticed that every local diner had a TV on and they were usually tuned in to Fox News. Fox has become the soundtrack for much of rural Iowa. It was interesting to listen in to conversations and hear local Iowans use the exact same language as they were hearing from the talking heads on Fox. If public schools are going to survive in Iowa we need a massive outreach and education effort with the community (not just parents, but retired folk as well). We let everyone else frame the issue and didn't effectively communicate what is really happening. People generally view their local public school favorably, but it's those other public schools (the ones in the city) that are failing. Thanks again for undertaking this project. It is greatly appreciated.

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Randy, I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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thanks Randy. Where are you located?

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We live downtown in Des Moines

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Rekha & Julie,

Kudos to you both on an enlightening and stimulating inaugural launch. Enjoyed Tina’s talent and thoughts, too.

1). RAGBRAI-now there’s a venue you could find a captive audience to offer some answers to your Big Question. I could just see the two of you in a support vehicle, or a fully equipped RV (unless, of course you want to ride), joining in the fun of this special anniversary, annual ride. My daughter, Deb (Boston),

is coming back to again join in the fun. Says she wants to wear a Julie & Rekha shirt with “What the Hell Happened to Iowa” in big bold letters. M Draper might be interested in that!

2). Our attention in recent months, regrettably, has been on food insecurity among Iowans more than ever, due to conflicts even among important providers. Until America, the wealthiest nation on earth, resolves with passion and commitment to solve the food insecurity, not to mention the homeless situation in our country, we must continue to support & strengthen local nonprofits like the DMARC Food Pantries & the Food Bank of Iowa. That’s a topic of intense importance. And what does the Legislature do: propose more cuts to the SNAP program. Unconscionable. DMARC Food Pantry’s CEOMatt Unger had a stunning commentary in today’s Register with facts worth checking. Surely the legislators don’t understand what they’re proposing? To create more poverty by their bills?

There’s no lack of topics awaiting your new endeavor. Thank you, thank you for stepping forward.🤗

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Trudy, I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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Trudy, thank you for your thoughtful words!

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“Strong-willed” is an understatement! He said lovingly.

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I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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Yes that is fine. TBH, I get a little lost in Substack-land. I think I see your post in multiple ways or places and am not always sure where I am. But that’s OK.

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I would love these podcasts, but I need them in a print form. Is there a way to do that, I hope?

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I might include your comments in the 'reader reaction' section of our upcoming podcast. Ok?

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I just replied to this on an email. I would like to know which of my comments you're wanting to use. Not everything I said is for public. Also, I would want to be anonymous, for my own safety.

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Which comments? I don't think I'd want them all in there.

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Kate I can help you and provide a transcript. Shoot me an email james@wildprairiedemocrats.com

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Yes, burst the bubbles! It will make a difference.

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